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Polymeric Materials: Structure - Properties - Applications


Polymeric Materials: Structure - Properties - Applications

This book is intended to fill the knowledge gap between the chemical structure and the related physical characteristics of plastics necessary for appropriate material selection, design, and processing. The entire spectrum of plastics is addressed, including thermoplastics, thermosets, elastomers, and blends. It also contains an in-depth presentation of the structure-property relationships of a wide range of plastics. One of the special features is the extensive discussion and explanation of the impact of relationships on processing and, vice-versa, the effect of processing on structure and properties. The book contains several application-oriented examples and is presented at an intermediate level for both practicing plastic engineers and advanced engineering students.


Price US: $39.95
ISBN: 1-56990-310-7
Edition: First
Published: 2001
Softbound 278 pages  215 figures  20 tables 
Author: G. W. Ehrenstein

