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Albis i BASF Świętują 50 lat Partnerstwa
Albis i BASF Świętują 50 lat Partnerstwa
Albis Plastic GmbH i BASF SE spoglądają na swój sukces 50-letniego partnerstwa w dystrybucji tworzyw sztucznych. Tę udaną współpracę rozpoczęto w 1967 roku, kiedy to firma Albis rozpoczęła dystrybucję Ultramidu firmy BASF i polistyrenu. Z biegiem czasu współpracę rozszerzono o kolejne produkty, oraz o inne regiony sprzedaży, a dzisiaj ALBIS sprzedaje produkty BASF prawie w każdym kraju Europy.
Według Philipa Krahn, CEO Albis, „współpraca między BASF i Albis opisujemy jako – rzetelność, zaufanie i sukces. Wartości te są przykładem naszej współpracy przez 50 lat. Jesteśmy bardzo dumni z tego.”
Z biegiem czasu, partnerstwo rozrosło się także o compoundy, technologię stosowania i rozwój projektów.
„Oczekujemy kontynuacji działania a firma BASF wraz ze swoim silnym partnerem będzie stawiać czoło przyszłym wyzwaniom”, powiedział Philip O Krahn. Partnerstwo zostało pogłębione kilka miesięcy temu o zaawansowany materiał Ultramid N, oraz wysoce przetworzony łańcuch PPA uruchomiony w zeszłym roku w czerwcu. Ten materiał jest ważnym dodatkiem do portfolio tworzyw sztucznych firmy BASF dla przemysłu motoryzacyjnego i elektronicznego. /Źródło: EPN/
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This year, ALBIS PLASTIC GmbH and BASF SE are looking back on a successful 50-year partnership in plastics distribution.
By distributing Ultramid® and polystyrene, the foundation was laid in 1967 for the lasting success of a cooperation that continues to this day. Over time, this trusting partnership continued to grow and intensify. Numerous sales regions were added and today, ALBIS markets BASF products in almost all countries in Europe.
“The decisive criteria for the close cooperation between BASF and ALBIS are reliability, trust and success. These values have exemplified our partnership for 50 years. We are very proud of that”, explains Philip O Krahn, CEO of ALBIS PLASTIC.
In addition to expanding sales regions, the partnership began to include compounding, application technology and project development. “We look forward to continuing to master future challenges that the markets will provide together with a strong partner like BASF”, says Krahn.
The partnership was deepened further just a few months ago with the inclusion of BASF’s product, namely Ultramid® Advanced N. This high-performance material is an important addition to BASF’s engineering plastics portfolio for the automotive and electronics industries. Jürgen Becky, Senior Vice President, Performance Materials Europe at BASF, adds: “We consider ourselves fortunate to have, with ALBIS, an experienced and reliable partner who is established across Europe, who always gives us flexible support with an entrepreneurial spirit, even when things are challenging.”
ALBIS profile in brief
ALBIS PLASTIC is one of the leading globally operating companies in the distribution and compounding of technical thermoplastics. In addition to the product portfolio of well-known plastic manufacturers, ALBIS offers the plastic processing industry a diverse product range of high performance plastics, compound solutions and masterbatches. In 2016, the ALBIS Group, which has approximately 1200 employees, achieved sales of 903 million euros. With 23 foreign subsidiaries, the Hamburg based company is strongly represented in Europe with a growing presence in North Africa, the Far East and America.
ALBIS produces plastic compounds and masterbatches at six sites; Hamburg (Germany), Zülpich (Germany), Obernburg (Germany), Manchester (UK), Humenné (Slovakia) and Changshu (China). In Duncan, South Carolina (USA) ALBIS will also establish a new production plant for technical compounds. In addition ALBIS is the major partner in the newly founded ALBIS Barnet Polymers LLC a joint venture with William Barnet & Son, which is also headquartered in Duncan. This is a recycling business processing post-industrial raw materials, which will be used, in the compounding of ALTECH® ECO products.
For more information, please visit http://www.albis.com and http://albisamericas.com.
BASF profile in brief
At BASF, we create chemistry for a sustainable future. We combine economic success with environmental protection and social responsibility. The approximately 114,000 employees in the BASF Group work on contributing to the success of our customers in nearly all sectors and almost every country in the world. Our portfolio is organized into five segments: Chemicals, Performance Products, Functional Materials & Solutions, Agricultural Solutions and Oil & Gas. BASF generated sales of about €58 billion in 2016. BASF shares are traded on the stock exchanges in Frankfurt (BAS), London (BFA) and Zurich (BAS). Further information at: www.basf.com.
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